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  • Quality Assurance

    The industry-laid quality standard of our conveyor belts and chains is achieved through meticulous in-house quality assurance procedures conducted und...

  • Why Us?

    Since our inception, we have been supported by a team of highly experienced professionals. To avoid any hassle in the workplace, our professionals wor...

  • Our Establishment

    Sadguru Overseas was established in the year 2015 in Maharashtra, India. We are a manufacturer and supplier of honeycomb conveyor belts, flat wire con...

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Welcome to our Website

Sadguru Overseas was established in the year 2015 in Maharashtra, India. We are a manufacturer and supplier of honeycomb conveyor belts, flat wire conveyor belts, light-duty conveyor belts and a lot more. To ensure high standards of quality, these conveyor chains and sprocket wheels are precisely engineered using the latest technology and machinery. Owing to the fine finish, impeccable design, minimum maintenance, high efficiency and long functional life, these conveyor belts and chains are highly demanded in the market. Our range of products can be custom-designed as per the specifications provided by the customers. These conveyor belts and chains are commonly used in cement, sugar, fertilizer, carg

  • Glimpse of Our Company

  • Nature of Business
    Manufacturer & Supplier
  • Number of Employees
    Below 20
  • Year of Establishment
  • Market Covered
    Pan India
  • Name of CEO
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Dahanu Road, Palghar, Maharashtra



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